
May 19th, 2015 | Blog | Comment

See the interview “Taking the Long View” about a panorama photography project to recreate 100-year-old vistas from the The Huntington Library collection.

September 10th, 2011 | Uncategorized | Comment

Publisher’s first edition devoted solely to fine art photography.

June 14th, 2009 | Uncategorized | Comment


This exhibition of black & white and color photographs at the Mojica Hacienda in Santa Monica, CA, was a special collaborative event highlighted with the music of Australian composer Mark B. Buys to reflect on the historic origins and influence of the early Mexico-California region. The reception hosted a premier performance of Mr. Buys’ music composed specifically for this event.

The Mojica Hacienda in Santa Monica Canyon is home to the La Senora Research Institute. Their research focuses on the Rancho Era of early California under Spain, Mexico and the United States and the 1839 Mexican Land Grant of the Rancho Boca de Santa Monica.

Mr. Buys graciously provided this 8-minute live recording of his music:

Recuerdos de Mexico (click to listen)

JCL6018 JCL6011JCL6032JCL6025 JCL6042JCL6028JCL6083JCL6061 JCL6087JCL6104JCL6058JCL6059

November 17th, 2008 | Uncategorized | Comment

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston added Rain on Bellas Arts (2001) to their exceptional collection of photographs. The print was donated by Mr. Drayton Webb, also of Houston.


July 16th, 2008 | Uncategorized | Comment

At his invitation I met with Julius Shulman in the summer of 2004 at his studio in the Hollywood Hills. He was interested in seeing my panoramic photography. I thought he might also be interested in the camera.

After showing him a selection of prints, I brought out the Panoram – he remarked that he wasn’t familiar with it. I demonstrated how it worked and told him perhaps it was because it was older than he was. He laughed and enjoyed the simplicity of it.

We met again two months later to look at my photographs on Mexico.


Julius Shulman (October 10, 1910 – July 15, 2009) American architectural photographer, was best known for his photograph “Case Study House #22, Los Angeles, 1960 (also known as The Stahl House). Pierre Koenig, Architect.

April 24th, 2008 | Uncategorized | Comment

Seven prints were acquired by The Wittliff Collections for Southwestern & Mexican Photography  in Austin, Texas:

The Wittliff Collections, located at the Texas State University in San Marcos, is a creative center and treasury of fine and historical photographs devoted to the photographic arts and culture of Mexico and the southwestern United States. The collection showcases works of many distinguished photographers whose images have explored the visual heritage of the regions.

October 1st, 2007 | Uncategorized | Comment

I was grateful to the Hospital of Monterey for the kindness and care they gave to me in the summer of 2006.


May 21st, 2007 | Uncategorized | Comment

In The Rain (La Feria) selected for acquisition for Ventura’s Municipal Art Collection.

The Municipal Art Acquisition program was established by the City Council to document the history of visual art in Ventura by featuring and highlighting important works of art created by area artists. The collection provides increased access to artwork of high artistic merit and aesthetic quality through its display in the public areas of City Hall and other municipal buildings.

The Municipal Art Acquisition Committee, a subcommittee of the Public Art Commission, oversees the purchase of master works in a variety of artistic media. The Public Art Commission expands their collection through purchase of major artworks by leading area artists.


In The Rain (La Feria) was taken at Chapultepec Park, Mexico City. Fittingly, my father who worked for the City of Ventura had given me the camera I used to make this with. Proud knowing this hangs adjacent to work created by some of my former art teachers at Ventura College during the 1970s as well as other artists I knew at the time.

City of Ventura Municipal Art Collection

March 7th, 2007 | Uncategorized | Comment

Icons has won first place in the Master Printer category of the Silver Print Competition sponsored Ilford Photo.

The international conference, hosted by the Art Center in Pasadena, California, ran from March 3rd through March 5th. It was supported by the Society for Photographic Education, the Texas Photographic Society, Santa Fe Workshops, View Camera Magazine and Photographers’ Formulary.

Silver’s mission was to promote the founding tradition of photography and maintain its voice in the community. There were over 2000 individual entries.


November 28th, 2005 | Uncategorized | Comment

The Museum of Ventura County added four photographs to their collection following a solo exhibition entitled “Portraits of A Moment: Images of Mexico”. The Museum participated in FotoSeptiembre 2005, an international festival of photography organized biannually by the Centro de la Imagen in Mexico City.


April 4th, 2004 | Uncategorized | Comment

The Getty Museum acquired fifteen prints for their permanent collection in September 2003. What led up to it began five years earlier.

In 1998 I had an exhibition at the Atget Photo Gallery in Ventura, CA. The exhibition, entitled Between Two Worlds, consisted of work from Mexico and photographs made in Africa during field projects for the Getty Conservation Institute. Weston Naef, Chief Curator of Photographs, had come and left a comment in the gallery guest-book…


In 2002 my work came to his attention again when Museum department heads were presented with the Bookstore’s new products, of which my panoramic scene of the Central Gardens was included. Mr. Naef thought it one the nicest things they had done and soon after reached out to arrange a review of my portfolio.


Reviews are held in the Study Room, a large library-like area with bright natural light and are usually attended by all the department curators. I arrived early and arranged my prints into groupings by theme and subject. Now and then during the review we would discuss a photograph’s background – sometimes aesthetic, sometimes technical. Eventually Mr. Naef arranged a selection into what I thought were his favorites and possibly some pacing advice.

Those photographs turned out to be acquisition candidates. That was in October 2002. Eleven months later they entered the permanent collection.

1)©Laura Perez-Gavilan2)©Laura Perez-Gavilan3)©Laura Perez-Gavilan

preparing photographs for the upcoming review

September 18th, 2002 | Uncategorized | Comment


B&W Magazine, the first-class journal for fine black and white photography, has published my work in issue #20, August 2002. The story by curator Julian Cox provides a wonderful narrative about my work. (cover not me)

September 1st, 2001 | Uncategorized | Comment

Carousel won a “Top-Ten” spot in the Los Angeles chapter of the national Advertising Photographers of America’s Photo Competition 13. At the same time, honorable mentions were also received for In The Rain and Conversation.

The goal of the APA is to establish, endorse, and promote professional practices, standards, and ethics in the photographic and advertising community.

January 5th, 1998 | Uncategorized | Comment

UNESCO and Agfa have announced awards for the 1997 World Heritage Site photo competition. I’m pleased to share the news that my photograph of Teotihuacán has merited an honorable mention. Sponsors Lufthansa/United Airlines and Hilton Hotels joined in to stage a photographic competition that celebrates the 506 cultural and natural sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.
